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Why You Got Fat (and Why It Matters)

Did you know nearly 44% of American adults have diabetes or pre-diabetes? About 8.3% of American adults has diabetes, and 35% of American adults (more than 1 in every 3 adults ages 20 years and older) has pre-diabetes.

This would be problem enough, if not for the fact that nearly 1/3 of diabetics and the majority of pre-diabetics do not know they are afflicted

Pre-diabetes, also known as metabolic syndrome or syndrome X, may include and is not limited to: a large waist to hip ratio (belly fat, high blood pressure, high Hemoglobin A1 C (HgA1C, an indicator of how your body manages sugars), high triglycerides (a reflection of sugar, starch, and, in some cases, alcohol consumption), low HDLs (low “good cholesterol”), and abnormally high fasting blood sugars. These metabolic changes signal risk factors for diabetes, heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, amputations, blindness, Altzheimer's, obstructive sleep apnea and more.

High blood sugars damage blood vessels and internal organs over time. By the time someone is diagnosed with diabetes damage has been done. Abnormally high blood sugars are subtle; unless sugars are very high you are unlikely to detect abnormally high blood sugars unless you measure them from a blood draw in a laboratory, or with a glucometer (diabetics use glucometers at home to monitor blood sugars). People who are tuned in to the effect of foods on their functions may note clouding in their ability to process information, and/or a tendency to become sleepy when blood sugars are high. Over time sugar loads damage and prematurely age every part of your body. In the mirror, droopy skin and premature wrinkles are telltale signs of the sugar wear and tear inside A large hip to waist ratio (belly fat) is another sign. While exercise can be protective, it is not curative or fool proof (example: Kyle Love Diet comes first.

Where do high blood sugars in diabetes and pre-diabetes come from? They come from starches and sugars we eat. For more information, see my post entitled "Is Your Brain Sugar Frosted?"

And why does psychiatrist Dr. Childers pay so much attention to belly fat? Because belly fat is the most obvious sign that the brain is under assault from a damaging diet.

If you are looking to lose belly fat and regain your mental and physical health, here is a starting point. Watch and understand the following 3 minute video (click the link that follows):

Why You Got Fat

For more entertaining and invaluable information, watch Tom Naughton's movie Fat Head. You can find Fat Head on Hulu

Start now to care for your body as you would your finest possessions; after all, if not for your body, where will you be?

To your health!

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