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Celebrating 10 Years of Service to Our Community


My Lecture from May of 2015

With thanks to Jimmy Moore of Livin’ La Vida Low Carb I present my 2015 Low Carb Cruise lecture.

The WHO and Meat

The World Health Organization has a longstanding reputation for discouraging meat, and red meat in particular.

Congressional Hearing on Dietary Guidelines for Am

Criticism rained on the heads of the Secretaries of Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and Agriculture on October 7th, 2015 regarding the pending Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Nutrition’s Industry Conflicts

With the new Dietary Guidelines for Americans under discussion, industry conflicts of interest are highlights of nutrition news.

Dr. Childers’ Paleo Pancake Recipe for One or Two

Gluten free, milk dairy free, low carbohydrate and delicious!

Time to Reveal: Life Balance Coffee!

OK, folks, I am no expert on coffee specialties. And depending on your views or health conditions (anxiety, adrenal fatigue, lack of sleep, stomach upset, irritability, e.g.) coffee, caffeinated or not, may not be the best idea for you.

Depressed Much? Starches and Sweets Could Be To Bl

A diet bad for your waistline could be bad for your mental health, researchers find.

Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015: Update

I thought you’d like to see the latest on the US Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015, if you have not already.

Magnesium Recommendations for My Adult Patients

Many of my patients suffer from symptoms of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium deficiency is difficult to diagnose, but worth the effort given that the “cure” is safe for most, economical, and has a high probability of improving both length and quality of li

The 2015 Low-Carb Cruise with Jimmy Moore

My niece, Emily Rohay, and I just returned from the Low-Carb Cruise with Jimmy Moore and friends! It was a great experience we look forward to repeating in May of 2016.

My April 1, 2015 Pod Cast

Here is the title and link to my April 1, 2015 podcast

Dietary Cholesterol Gets a Pardon

A rare and wonderful thing happened in December of 2014. For the first time since 1977, dietary cholesterol received a government pardon.

My Comment to the Washington Post

On February 5th, 2015 the Washington Post published the following article.

Google's Top Diet Trends for 2014 and a New Year's

With the New Year upon us we look back to view important events. Diet related health is a number one concern worldwide.

Diet and Digestion: Humans v. Primates

The human digestive system is significantly different from those of primates that share a high percentage of DNA.

Eating Clean Over the Holidays

In my psychiatry practice many of my patients embrace a diet with low to no refined carbohydrates or processed foods and feel emotionally better within weeks. Some have not felt so mentally and physically well in decades.

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